Along with a visual makeover, my little blog will be expanding in content. As I am discovering my authentic passions, I would be remiss to neglect all the pieces of me that make me - well... me! As I have asked myself, "How can I incorporate passion and creativity into my everyday life?", I have identified areas of my life that make my heart beat faster. When I am passionately engaged, I am totally present, enlivened; focused. When I write and create with my hands; with my heart, I lose sight of my surroundings, forget myself, my struggles, my day-to-day humdrum, and connect with something larger than myself, something magical, something sacred. It's these types of activities and thoughts that I wish to share with you on my blog: topics of interest like- Family, Home, Health & Beauty, My Favorite Things, My Projects, and of course... my Wide Open Wednesdays!
This week I finished a mosaic birdhouse, toured some fun model homes, made a yummy new pasta salad recipe, browsed Chico's and bought a cool new maxi dress. Look for photos and thoughts on my adventures later this week. None of these little activities took endless time, money, or perfect conditions. I am learning to tune into the small things that make my heart sing, if only for a few minutes, if that's all I have. Authentic passion can be anything from playing the violin, taking salsa lessons, going flea marketing, or volunteering to read to a child. Discover your passions. Do it today! Do it for just twenty minutes and watch your heart start beating! If you're going to create a life you love, you have to make passion your middle name. Authentic passion is slowly becoming a regular part of my everyday living. I am excited to share...
* What does passion mean to you?
* Ask yourself, How can I incorporate passion and creativity into my everyday life?'ll take me a while to catch up again, but I'm ready to ride along on your journey...